Wednesday 23 May 2012

Padmasana - The Lotus Pose



Amongst the various poses prescribed for meditation, Padmasana is unique and foremost. It holds a very conspicuous place in the Yoga practices because great Rishis like Sandilya, Gheranda and several others have spoken of it in glowing terms. It is called Padmasana because of its full pose lending one the appearance of a full-blown lotus


  1. Spread both the legs and keep them at a distance of 1 to 1.5 feet.
  2. Bend left leg in knee and place its toe on the right thigh and heel on the groin of the left leg.
  3. Bend right leg in knee and place its toe on the left thigh and heel on the groin of the right leg.
  4. Keep the wrists of both the hands on the respective knees and take Dnyana Mudra. Continue normal breathing.
  5. In this asana the position of the body is stabilized. Keep the backbone erect and sight straight. If the hands are long then slightly bend those in elbows.  There should not be any strain on any of the muscles.


Practise this Asana for 5 minutes to start with and gradually increase the time to 3 hours.


  1. Padmasana destroys all diseases and bestows quick emancipation to the practitioner .
  2. As the backbone is kept erect in this asana, its functioning is greatly improved.
  3. Dhyana Mudra further helps in stabilizing pulse beats. Consequently strain on muscles is reduced, which in turn reduces strain on heart.
  4. Also breathing slows down, collective effect of all this is one can achieve concentration of mind. 


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